Call for abstracts

Submitting abstracts is not longer possible

We have received more abstracts than ever before – thank you!

Late-breaking research guidelines

The committees invite researchers to submit abstracts describing their most recent results given that this data was not available or ready for publication by the time general abstract submission closed. Priority will be given to new therapies, pivotal trials and novel results that have potential to be practice changing or studies that may have an impact on health care policy and access to treatment.

Abstracts not eligible for submission
  1. An abstract is ineligible for consideration if it reports work that has been previously published or has been accepted for publication as a manuscript that will be published prior to the 7th IFPA Conference (World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference 2024). This includes information such as full-length article, brief report, case report, concise communication, or letter to the editor, etc.
  2. Applicants should not submit abstracts that include material that has already been presented at previous scientific meetings.
  3. The same study should not be submitted as multiple abstracts. Abstracts that appear as more than one version of a single study will be withdrawn without notice.
  4. Submissions will be withdrawn without notice if they include any commercial/promotional messages or corporate logos.
Period for submission of late-breaking abstracts

The portal for submitting late-breaking abstracts is open between the 15th of March and 19th of April 2024, 4pm CET.

The Scientific Executive Committee of the 7th IFPA Conference welcomes abstracts for poster and oral presentations within the fields of Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis (Psoriatic Disease) in clinical practice, research and advocacy.

The committee will select a few of the submitted abstracts for oral presentations.

By submitting an abstract the authors guarantee that the abstract describes unpublished results and that human and experimental studies have been undertaken with the appropriate ethics approval and official permission from the proper authorities.

Topics for contributions

  • Biomarkers and imaging
  • Clinical phenotypes
  • Comorbidities
  • Current and new therapeutic modalities
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetics
  • Health economics and health policies
  • Interesting clinical cases
  • Late Breakers
  • Pathophysiology and immunobiology
  • Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis relationship
  • Quality of Life or Patient-related Outcome Measures (PROMs)
  • Patient organization projects/Patient research partners
  • SARS-CoV-2/Covid-19

Review Process

The criteria for accepting abstracts will be based on the degree of originality.

Reviewers will evaluate the clinical relevance, the methodological quality and the quality of the abstract.

The Scientific Committee reserves the right to decline a presentation for any submitted abstracts that lack scientific content or merit, or merely announces the availability of a resource or service.

To make the reviewing process efficient and the selection of abstracts as objective as possible, the following submission guidelines must be observed.

Submission Guidelines

  • Deadline for submission is February 15, 2024, at 16:00 (Central European Time).
  • Abstracts must be submitted electronically via the link on this conference site (opens December 1).
  • The abstract must be written in English.
  • The title or text is not to indicate the country of origin unless it is pertinent to the topic.
  • The size of the abstract is limited to 500 words, excluding the title and contact information of authors.
  • A maximum of 2 tables and/or graphics may be included in the abstract.
  • It is the author’s responsibility to submit a correct abstract. Errors in spelling, grammar, or scientific fact will be published as typed by the author, if accepted. Poor English may be a cause for rejection.
  • The structure of the abstract should be as follows:

a) Introduction
b) Objectives – Aim of investigation.
c) Methods – Study design, patients or animals, methods of investigation and analysis, etc.
d) Results – Results of research with specific data and statistical significance.
e) Conclusions – Conclusions drawn from the results obtained.  Statements like results are under discussion are not acceptable.
f) References – References relevant to the research described are recommended.

Encore publications

Encore publications are allowed. Both criteria should be fulfilled

  • Encore abstracts may be allowed if significant additional data/findings have been made since original publication
  • The Original publication (scientific meeting, journal) must be clearly cited.

Important dates for abstract submitters

Abstract timeline

Types of contributions

You can select oral or poster presentation as preferred presentation type. Please note that the oral presentation slots are limited, and that the selection will be made by the abstract committee, whose decision is final.

Accepted abstracts must have a poster, even if selected for oral presentation.

Oral presentations must be given by one of the authors of the publication. Each author may serve as Presenting Author for a maximum of one oral abstract.

App and Scientific Journal

All accepted abstracts will be presented and available on the conference app.

All participants with an abstract chosen for presentation are invited to submit a high-resolution png file of their poster prior to the congress, to have the abstract presented in our conference app.

All participants with an abstract chosen for presentation are also offered the possibility of having their work printed in a Scientific Journal.


All participants with an abstract chosen for presentation must bring a poster for presentation at the conference.

Information on formatting and submission of posters will be included in the acceptance note.

Poster Prizes

In celebration of the 10th year Anniversary of the Global Report on Psoriasis by the World Health Organization, there will be poster prizes for selected categories at the 2024 conference.

Poster prize categories:

  • Best scientific poster
  • Best educational poster
  • Best clinical poster
  • Best patient organization/society poster
  • Best poster from young investigator/researcher (under 30)
  • IFPA special prize

The recipient of the prize in each category will receive a diploma and a small stipend and will be asked to give a short presentation during the final day of the conference. Please note that encore abstracts/posters will not be eligible for these awards. Additional poster prizes may be announced later.

Important information

After successful abstract submission, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that includes the submission ID number. This e-mail will be sent to the e-mail address of the Presenting Author stated during the submission. If a confirmation e-mail is not received within 24 hours of submission, please contact us on e-mail address

The Presenting Author will receive all correspondence concerning the abstract and is responsible for informing the other authors of the status of the abstract.

Information about acceptance/rejection of the abstracts will be emailed before April 24, 2024.

All abstract presenters must register as conference attendees and pay the registration fee. The deadline for the ordinary Early Registration Fee is January 15, 2024, but the Presenting Author of an abstract will be able to register with the same discount until April 30th. This will be done via a specific registration link sent only to presenting authors of accepted abstracts.

The abstract presenters are committed to make their presentation in the session allocated by the Scientific Executive Committee. Full presentation specification will be made available on this conference site and forwarded together with the abstract acceptance.

Embargo policy

The conference embargo policy specifies that while authors may publish the fact that their abstract has been selected for inclusion in the conference programme, they may NOT share data from the abstract in any form (print, broadcast or online publication, media release or conference presentation) before its official release at IFPA 2024 conference. Authors may not share any data or key takeaways from the abstract before its official release at the IFPA Conference June 27th 9:00 am CEST 2024. This includes print, broadcast or online publications, media releases or conference presentations.