
Photography, filming, and recording policy

The organizers will do professional photographing and filming in the conference sessions and also in some of the social activities and events. Some of this material will be available in the “pressroom” at the venue, for the accredited journalists.

Photography, filming, and recording will be strictly prohibited in the conference sessions unless the presenter, at the beginning of their presentation or in written correspondence prior to the presentation, clearly indicates that they allow photographs and/or video recording. In these cases, the method(s) they address will be allowed.

All material presented in the Scientific Program, Complementary Program, or Poster exhibition is the intellectual property of the authors and all rights reside with them. To publish photographs or recordings of presenters’ or abstract authors’ materials or data, including on social media, explicit permission must first be obtained from the presenter or poster author.

Any use of the material mentioned above, including photos or videos must mention the source of the materials or data.

Photography, filming and recording is not allowed in the commercial exhibition area.

Embargo policy

Accepted abstracts and submitted publications to be presented at 7th IFPA Conference will be published on June 27th 9:00 am CEST 2024. Abstracts can be accessed physically at the conference venue on June 29th, and in the program book. Abstracts will also be made available in the conference app, and they will be published as a supplement to ActaDV.

For the 7th IFPA Conference 2024, we do not have any general restrictions on the data presented being released, and we do not need to review press releases. To include data in press releases, you must respect copyright and obtain explicit permission from the author or presenter who owns the data. Data and materials must cite their source.

There will be an embargo on all publication content up until June 27th 9:00 am CEST 2024, when the conference opens, marking the official end of the embargo.

Press contact

Annika Sjöberg
IFPA Marketing & Communications Manager.

Telephone: +46 70 749 58 20