We proudly present: Rachel Sommer

PD Dr. Rachel Sommer and her research group investigate the health of people with inflammatory skin diseases, taking into account physical, psychological and social aspects. People-centered health care as demanded by the World Health Organization is the focus of her research. Here, one research area is the development and validation of measurements to characterise subjective burdens such as sexual impairments and perceived stigmatisation, patient needs and treatment outcomes such as well-being and quality of life. Another focus is the development and evaluation of interventions aiming to strengthen people-centred care and the (mental) health and well-being of people with visible chronic skin diseases. Since September 2016, PD Dr. Rachel Sommer has been working as a researcher at the Institute for Health Services Research in Dermatology and the Nursing Professions (IVDP) at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE). In 2015, she completed her PhD at the Department for Medical Psychology at the UKE on the quality of life in rare pediatric diseases. In 2021, she completed her habilitation (assistant professorship) in health services research. At the IVDP, she leads the research group “People-Centered Health Care”.

Lecture Topic

Mental Health Perspectives Recognizing psychological distress in patients with psoriatic disease.

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